
Rachel Coleman, MS

Speech-Language Pathology

Locations and Appointments

Insurances Accepted

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  • HMO
  • Medicare
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  • Blue Connection
  • EPO
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  • Mediblue (Senior)
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  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Freedom
  • Liberty
  • Medicare Advantage
  • Metro/Core/Charter
  • Community Plan
  • Medicare
  • *HMO
  • *Medicare
Personal Statement

Rachel Coleman, M.S., CCC-SLP is a Senior Speech-Language Pathologist/Voice Specialist specializing in voice disorders at the Sean Parker Institute for Voice Disorders at Weill Cornell Medical College. She worked in a wide variety of clinical settings, including outpatient rehabilitation, inpatient care, and private practice. In addition to her training as a speech pathologist, Rachel also has a background in classical theater, allowing her to combine her clinical expertise with her love of the performing arts.

If you are scheduled to see Rachel Coleman as a new patient, please print and complete the and bring it with you on the day of your appointment.  Thank you. 

Biographical Info

Rachel Coleman, MS, CCC-SLP, is a speech language pathologist specializing in voice disorders. She earned her master's degree from the MGH Institute of Health Professions, where she received training at the Massachusetts General Hospital Voice Center.

Her specialties include care of the professional voice, treatment of neurological voice and speech disorders, gender-affirming voice care, and respiratory retraining for upper airway disorders. Rachel’s work with performers is informed and inspired by her background in classical theatre, allowing her to integrate her clinical expertise with her love of the performing arts.

Prior to joining the Parker Institute team, Rachel worked in a variety of medical settings, including outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation, as well as private practice. Rachel is a committee member of the NYC Voice Study Group, a member of the Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA), and the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA.) She also serves on the editorial board for the Voice and Speech Review.

  • M.S.
    MGH Institute of Health Professions
  • B.A.
    University of Michigan

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