
The Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders Institute is a Parkinson's Disease Foundation-supported research center. We are involved in a number of studies to better under and treat Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders. Examples of areas of study include:

  • The development of new imaging methods and other tests to diagnose and monitor the progression of Parkinson's and related movement disorders.
  • The assessment of new drug therapies and nutritional supplements.
  • Collaboration with basic science investigators performing research studies on human embryonic stem cells to try to stimulate regeneration of nerve cells damaged by Parkinson's disease.

Clinical Trials for Parkinson鈥檚 Disease

We are currently recruiting subjects for our study of High-Risk Clinical Trials for Parkinson's Disease.

IRB: #17070180403

Study Title: High Risk Clinical Trials for Parkinson's Disease: What do Potential Participants Value?

Investigator: Inmaculada de Melo-Martin, Ph.D.

Summary: The goal of this study is to learn about the understanding, concerns, and expectations of Parkinson's disease patients and their caregivers about early-phase stem cell research. Participation involves one visit that will include a focus group discussion with other Parkinson's disease patients or caregivers.

Population: Individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's disease; Caregivers for persons diagnosed with Parkinson's disease

Those interested in participating should contact Helen Ellsworth at (212) 746-4086 or hse3001@med.cornell.edu.